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Diploma in Web Development




3 Months

About Course

Web programming, also known as web development, is the creation of dynamic web applications. Examples of web applications are social networking sites like Facebook or e-commerce sites like Amazon.

Mesuullogic’s Diploma in Web Development course is ideal if you’ve always wanted to create your own website but lacked the skills or knowledge to do so. Aimed at both the novice and intermediate web-designer. This comprehensive, easy- to- understand course will enhance your understanding of web development tools and techniques.

The introduction to programming Logic and Techniques module focuses on developing basic programming logic using pseudo code and flowcharting technique. You will learn concepts related to programming, conditions, iteration, and modular programming. The module, JavaScript Fundamentals, provides an introduction to the creation of dynamic web pages using JavaScript, the module explains how to validate web forms using various JavaScript methods.

The database solution to support the operations of an organization plays a vital role in the overall growth and development of an organization. The Creating, Querying and Managing Databases using MySQL course is designed to provide students the necessary skills to query and manage database using MySQL Server. PHP is a widely –used, general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web Development and can be embedded into HTML. MySQL is a popular open- source relational database whereas, PHP is the scripting language used for developing dynamic data driven Web sites. PHP and MySQL is a powerful combination because of the stability, the lower server costs than hosting on other platform offerings.


  • Project-based learning helps the student apply his knowledge into projects that simulate real-world situations.

  • Objective-driven sessions constantly keep the student and his mentor focused on the immediate task at hand while constantly ascending a well-defined spiral of learning.

  • A telescopic laying out of the three Terms in each Career Series Program provide a clear line of sight and a pursuit of a destination that clearly differentiates from the competition.

  • Guided Practice offers every student an opportunity to polish his learning at a pace that is comfortable for him. In a stress-free environment, Guided Practice enables the learner to also go beyond the classroom inputs and build more practice hours under his belt – something that his potential employers will find valuable and different.

Entering Profile

  • Basic knowledge of computers.

  • Desire to develop web sites and web pages.

Certificate Title

Web Developer

Course Content

  • HTML5 Programming.

  • Cascading Style Sheet (CSS3)

  • PHP Introduction

  • Php Loop Types

  • Php Syntax Overview

  • Php Variable Types

  • Php Decision Making

  • Php Loop Types

  • Create Dynamic Web Pages and Web sites

  • Php – Web Concepts

  • Php POST and GET Methods

  • PHP Functions

  • Php Sessions

  • Php Send Emails

  • Php Cookies

  • Php and Mysql

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  • Installing and Configuring Windows PC

  • Administering Windows Server 2012

  • Motherboard and its Associate Features

  • Operating System Technology

  • PC Assembly, Upgrading & Maintenance

  • Basic Troubleshooting Methodology 


  • Introduction To Programming Using Python

  • Networking in Python

  • Web Scraping and Using Web Services

  • JSON and SOA API Programming

  • List and Dictionaries, Tuples

  • DataBase Connectivity

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